ParcelAddress API
Search for International Address
Resource URL
Resource Description
Returns a list of suggested addresses for a given country code and address fragment. This resource is .
Resource Information
Attribute | Detail |
Response Format | JSON |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | 15 calls per second. If rate limit is exceeded, calls will be queued. Calls unprocessed for over 60 seconds will time out. |
Please note that all request parameters should be in lower case.
Request Parameters
Field Name | Description | Mand | Example |
country_code | Country code for address country | No | US |
count | The maximum number of matching results to be returned | Yes | 5 |
q | Address fragment to search for suggestions | Yes | 3800 LaPasa |
Country Code
Valid country codes can be found here. In the future, a method will be provided that will return a complete and up-to-date list of country codes.
Sample Request
Business Rules
The following business rules are applied on each international/addresses request:
Name | Description |
BR001 | The address fragment (parameter โqโ) must contain at least 4 characters after the leading and following spaces are removed by the API code. If less than 4 characters, an error message will be returned to the requester. |
BR002 | If no count value is provided, a default number of responses is returned. The default is set to 5 records. |
BR003 | If the count value provided is greater than 5 and there are more than 5 addresses matching the address fragment, only 5 address records will be returned to the merchant. |
Response Parameters
The following lists the required fields in the /addresses response message.
Field Name | Description | Mand | Example |
success | Returns if request is successful | Yes | false |
addresses | Contains array of address objects. The number of object will not exceed the โCountโ value defined. | Y if success = true | "addresses":[] |
Address Object
The following lists the fields in the address object.
Field Name | Description | Mand | Example |
address_id | A unique id for representing the address | Yes | EjAzODAwIExhIFBhc2FkYSBBdmUsIExhcyBWZWdhcywgTlYsIFVuaXRlZCBTdGF0ZXM |
full_address | Human-readable format of the address | Yes if success = true | 3800 La Pasada Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102, USA |
Error Response Elements
Field Name | Description | Mand | Example |
success | Returns if request is successful | Yes | false |
errors | Error object with error details | Yes if success =false | See Error Object Parameters below |
message_id | The unique message identifier | Yes | ec608f40-2a8b-11e5-a9c0-025c481d35ef |
Error Object Parameters
Field Name | Description | Example |
code | Error code where first 3 digits are http status code, last three digits identify error type | 400002 |
message | Description of error code | Invalid Parameter(s) |
details | Description of specific error | Address prefix must be at least 4 characters, not including spaces at the beginning or end. |
HTTP Status Codes
Note that some error messages are customised for the request, i.e. error code 400 usually will describe what is wrong with the request
Code | Message |
200 | Success |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Invalid request |
500 | System unavailable |
Error Codes
Code | Message |
200001 | Partial results returned, not all system(s) have responded |
200002 | All sources responded, data may be incomplete |
400001 | Parameter(s) missing |
400002 | Invalid parameter(s) |
400003 | Non mutually exclusive parameters detected |
401001 | Unauthorised access, please contact administrator |
500001 | General Exception |
500002 | System(s) offline |
Sample Response
"success": true,
"addresses": [
"full_address": "38 Lapstone Street, The Ponds, New South Wales, Australia",
"address_id": "EjkzOCBMYXBzdG9uZSBTdHJlZXQsIFRoZSBQb25kcywgTmV3IFNvdXRoIFdhbGVzLCBBdXN0cmFsaWE"
"full_address": "38 Lapis Crescent, Bardwell Valley, New South Wales, Australia",
"address_id": "Ej4zOCBMYXBpcyBDcmVzY2VudCwgQmFyZHdlbGwgVmFsbGV5LCBOZXcgU291dGggV2FsZXMsIEF1c3RyYWxpYQ"
"full_address": "38 Lapish Avenue, Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia",
"address_id": "EjYzOCBMYXBpc2ggQXZlbnVlLCBBc2hmaWVsZCwgTmV3IFNvdXRoIFdhbGVzLCBBdXN0cmFsaWE"
"full_address": "38 Lapraik Street, Ascot, Queensland, Australia",
"address_id": "Ei8zOCBMYXByYWlrIFN0cmVldCwgQXNjb3QsIFF1ZWVuc2xhbmQsIEF1c3RyYWxpYQ"
"full_address": "38 Lapwing Way, Cranebrook, New South Wales, Australia",
"address_id": "EjYzOCBMYXB3aW5nIFdheSwgQ3JhbmVicm9vaywgTmV3IFNvdXRoIFdhbGVzLCBBdXN0cmFsaWE"
"message_id": "7f4b5f60-0d7c-11e5-ab23-025935216c03"