ParcelLabel API

(2 reviews)

Get Status of Label(s)

Resource URL



Resource Description

Returns the status of all labels within a consignment. Note if webhook URL is not provided in the request for label generation, you will need to call the Status resource to get the status of the labels within a consignment.

Resource Information

Attribute Detail
Response Format JSON
Requires Authentication Yes
Rate Limited 30 calls per second. If rate limit is exceeded, calls will be queued. Calls unprocessed for over 60 seconds will time out.

Request Parameters

Field Name Description Mandatory Example
consignment_id Unique id of a consignment Yes CLV27N

Sample Request

Response Parameters

Field Name Description Mandatory Example
consignment_id Unique id of a consignment Yes CLV27N
consignment_status Status of the consignment. See Consignment Status Values. Yes Complete
consignment_url Download URL for the consignment, in format PDF. Yes if the status of the consignment is Complete
errors An array containing the error details. See Errors Object Parameters. Yes if request is unsuccessful JSON Array
expiry_date_utc Date the label expires in UTC format. No 2019-09-17T12:00:00Z
labels An array containing the status of each label in the consignment. See Labels Object Parameters. Yes JSON Array
message_id A unique id for the API call. Yes 293e9e80-9305-11e9-a34b-0647d8507b90
page_urls An array containing the download URLs for each page in the consignment, in format PNG. No
dangerous_goods_declaration_urls An array containing the download URLs for each dangerous goods form in the consignment, in format PDF. No
success Flag indicating success or failure of the request. Value is true or false. Yes true

Labels Object Parameters

Field Name Description Mandatory Example
label_id Unique identifier for the label. Yes CLV27N-1
tracking_reference Tracking reference for the label Yes 8963063547000301AKL004AN
label_generation_status Generation status of the label. See Label Status List below. Yes Complete
errors An array containing the error details. See Errors Object Parameters. Yes if request is unsuccessful JSON Array

Consignment Status Values

Status Definition
Accepted ParcelLabel Request has been received into NZ Post Group systems
Processing ParcelLabel Request has passed all validation and has been passed to the Label Generator
Complete Label Rendering has successfully created an image of all the labels
Complete with warnings All label images have been generated successfully but the merchant logo was not able to be put into the label image.
Failed The Label Rendering has failed to create an image for at least one label

Errors Object Parameters

Field Name Description Example
code Error code where first 3 digits are http status code, last three digits identify error type 400002
message Description of error code Invalid Parameter(s)
details Description of specific error Carrier is a mandatory field.

Sample Response

