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Use the Payworks Reports API to get JSON representations of the Journal Entries report.

API Information


  • Version: v1
  • API Base path: /api
  • Protocol: HTTPS


The Reports API is available to :

  • GET a list of journal entries related to a payroll run.
  • GET a pay statement(s) related to a payroll run.

How you retrieve Journal Entries will depend on your company settings in the Journal Entry setup screen. If the journal entries are set to run with every payroll, you can use the scheduleId that lines up with the pay period you are looking for.
If the Journal Entry report is not setup to run with every payroll, it will be created on the payroll run that includes the end of the month. Depending on payment frequency, this can include up to 3 pay periods in one journal entry. In order to retrieve this report you will need to use the scheduleId for the pay period that includes the last day of the month.

Note on scheduleId: Use the Payroll API GET /payperiods endpoint to find the scheduleId appropriate for your pay period's journal entries.

Change Log

VersionEndpointDescription of ChangeDate
1.0payperiodsAvailable to get configured pay periods06-26-2023
1.1paystatementsAvailable to get pay statements for a pay period08-21-2024
