Passenger Assist API
Check PA Profile
Resource: /passengerAssist/profiles
This resource will allow consumers to verify whether a profile exists in the Passenger Assist system. A valid PA Profile is required to create a PA Booking. The profile identifier used will be the same email address used to log into the Passenger Assist system.
If found, the system return the email address and relevant access considerations. Note: not all access considerations from Passenger Assist will be returned.
List Journey Assistances
Resource: /passengerAssist/journeyAssistances
This resource will return a list of valid Journey Assistance Types available with Passenger Assist. This is reference data that needs to be used when booking assistance and informs the system what type of assistance is being requested. New Journey Assistances are added very infrequently (i.e . maybe once per twice per year). Due to its operational impact, any changes to the existing list of Journey Assistances will be communicated via the standard release communication process.
Create PA Booking
Resource: /passengerAssist/bookings
This resource allows the consumer to create a PA Booking for one passenger who requires assistance. If multiple passengers within a group require assistance then this endpoint will need to be called multiple times. The PA Profile must be valid to create a Booking.
Journey Assistance field contains value(s) from the valid list of Journey Assistances (see section List Journey Assistances). If the assistance required isn't in this list, supply the "other_assistance" value in this field (ensure the official value from the journey assistance list is used) and enter the required assistance in the "otherAssistanceDetails" field.
If a valid seat reservation system booking reference is supplied, then those reservation details will be added to the PA Booking.
Journey details will not be validated, hence, it is the consumers responsibilities to ensure valid journey details are provided.
Cancel PA Booking
Resource: /passengerAssist/bookings/{bookingReference}/status
This resource allows the consumer to cancel a PA Booking.
Cancel Booking prerequisites:
The Booking must be cancelled by the same TOC that created the Booking
The Booking must have been created via the API channel
All journey legs have not been started
The Booking has not already been cancelled
Last update: 04-Sep-2024 09:48 ASSIST API Documentation Maintenance: 'passenger-assist', Version 'v1', Page 'Home', Revision 'A'.
To request updates to this text please contact Neil Barkham.