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Prisjakt Insights News API

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The Prisjakt Insights News API delivers short robot generated news items about noteworthy trends in Prisjakt's data. It might for example detect that a product is trending, or that most of the products in a category are sold out.


The API is based on GraphQL.


GraphQL uses a single endpoint for all interactions. POST your queries to this URL:


$ curl -X POST \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' \
       -H 'X-Client-Id: b53f2cb6a36ab5230ee437e798c2665d' \ \
       --data '
  news {
    category {

In most cases, you should add constraints to your query to limit the results:

$ curl -X POST \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' \
       -H 'X-Client-Id: b53f2cb6a36ab5230ee437e798c2665d' \ \
       --data '
  news(market: "se", updatedGte: "2021-04-21T00:00:00.000Z") {
    category {


Unlike REST APIs, GraphQL can return HTTP 200 even on failures. The result will however contain an errors object.

{"errors":[{"message":"Error fetching data"}]}


The schema describes which fields are available for queries, and which arguments you can use.

"Robot generated news."
type Query {
        type: String,
        brand: Int,
        category: Int,
        product: Int,
        market: String,
        updatedGte: String,
        updatedLte: String,
    ): [News]

"Short robot generated news based on changes in Prisjakt's treasure trove of data."
type News {
    "Which market this news was generated on."
    market: String
    "When this news was first created."
    created: String
    "When this news was last updated."
    updated: String
    "What kind if news this is. Intended to be machine readable for easy querying and sorting."
    type: String
    "Human readable label of what kind of news this is, in the language of the market where the news was generated."
    localType: String
    "Snappy headline of what the news is about, in the language of the market where the news was generated."
    title: String
    "If you want to make the title into a link, then this is the URL to use."
    titleUrl: String
    "Short body text that presents the actual news in simple terms, in the language of the market where the news was generated."
    text: String
    "The product category that the news applies to, if any."
    category: Category
    "The product that the news applies to, if any."
    product: Product
    "The brand that the news applies to, if any."
    brand: Brand

"The brand that the news applies to."
type Brand {
    "Prisjakt's unique identifier for this brand."
    id: Int
    "The brand name."
    name: String
    "URL to the brand's overview page on Prisjakt, on the market where the news was generated."
    url: String
    "URL to an image of the brand's logotype."
    img: String

"The product category that the news applies to."
type Category {
    "Prisjakt's unique identifier for this category."
    id: Int
    "The category name in the language of the market where the news was generated."
    name: String
    "URL to the category's page on Prisjakt, on the market that the news was generated."
    url: String
    "URL to an icon representing the category."
    img: String

"The product that the news applies to."
type Product {
    "Prisjakt's unique identifier for this product."
    id: Int
    "The name of the product on the market where the news was generated."
    name: String
    "URL to the product's page on Prisjakt, on the market where the news was generated."
    url: String
    "URL to an image of the product."
    img: String


The subscription API is based on REST principles. Data resources are accessed via standard HTTPS requests in UTF-8 format to an API endpoint.
Available HTTP verbs in B2B Insights News API:

GETGet subscription
POSTCreate subscription
PUTUpdate subscription
DELETEDelete subscription


In order to use the subscription api you need to send in a clientId and clientSecret. You also needs to send in the authorization header with a valid access token.


In order to fetch a subscription you can use the following request.


$ curl -X GET \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -H 'client-Id: clientId' \
       -H 'client-Secret: clientSecret' \

    "shopId": "1"

You can create a new subscription with a POST request.

$ curl -X POST  \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -H 'client-Id: clientId' \
       -H 'client-Secret: clientSecret' \
      '' \
      --data-raw '{ \
        "shopId": "1", \
        "recipients": [""] \
    "shopId": "1"

You can update your recipients list with a PUT request.

$ curl -X PUT  \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -H 'client-Id: clientId' \
       -H 'client-Secret: clientSecret' \
      '' \
      --data-raw '{ \
        "shopId": "1", \
        "recipients": [""] \
    "shopId": "1"

It is possible to delete a subscription based on a shop id.

$ curl -X DELETE  \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       -H 'client-Id: clientId' \
       -H 'client-Secret: clientSecret' \
204 No content
