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version 1.0.1


API description

This API is built to Expose REST API for MCI.

Intended Use

This API has below functionality:

1/healthGETGet the system's health
2/{brand}/customer-eventsPOSTPush Customer Events

Technical details

Requirement Fulfillment

API NoActionMule API Endpoint
1Get the system's health/health
2Push Customer Events/{brand}/customer-events

Request Body Description:

ResourceMethodMedia Type

Request Body Fields:

ResourceField NameTypeField Description
/{brand}/customer-eventschannelobjectchannel info
channel.channelId (required)stringregistration channel ID: Tmall =TM, JD =JD, Tmall mini program =TmallMNP
storeobjectstore info
store.storeCode (required)stringstoreCode
customerobjectcustomer info
customer.openId (required)stringcustomer store dimension identification
customer.unionIdstringcustomer brand dimension cross-store identification
customer.loyaltyProgramCodestringThe user chooses to join the membership system code, if the same store belongs to the multi-member system, it must be transmitted
customer.namestringcustomer nickname
customer. memberNostringcustomer no
customer. mixMobilestringplatform ciphertext mobile phone number
customer. mobile (required)stringmobile no
customer. genderstringGender: 01= male, 02= female, 03= unknown
customer. provincestringprovince
customer. citystringcity
customer. birthDaydatecustomer's birthday in the format YYYY-MM-DD
customer. emailstringemail
customer. localNamestringname
customer. babyBirthdaystringbaby birth month and day
customer. babyGenderstringBaby sex: 01= male, 02= female, 03= unknown
customer. extstringExtended information, JSON format, structure depending on specific requirements
eventType (required)string(Enum)Create/Update/Unbind
timestamp (required)stringtimestamp customer event happened

Response Body Fields:

ResourceField NameTypeField Description
/{brand}/customer-eventsstatusCodenumbercustomer event status
statusTypestringstatus type
statusMessagestringcustomer event message
statusDetailsstringcustomer event detail
eventTypestringevent type
timestampstringcustomer event finished
correlationIdstringcustomer event correlationId

Release Notes

VersionStatusRelease DateEnd-of-Life Date
