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Summary / Purpose

The purpose of this experience API is to provide the ADAP (Advanced Data Analytics Platform) system access to Work Orders related endpoints. This experience API is mostly passthrough but does do some additional field key mappings to remove the “/BIC/” prefix from key names on the response body to ADAP.


The Advanced Data Analytics Platform (ADAP) is the only consumer of data through this application.

Project Flow Chart Diagram


The numbers on the diagram above (“Project Flow Chart Diagram”) align with each other as well as the stage numbers below.

  1. Advanced Data Analytics Platform (ADAP) sends a request to an endpoint in cdot-adap-eapi.
  2. cdot-adap-eapi sends a request to cdot-sap-bw-sapi for the SAP BW table associated with the endpoint in cdot-adap-eapi.
  3. cdot-sap-bw-sapi sends a BAPI request to SAP BW via the “Z_AW_RFC_READ_TABLE” BAPI.
  4. SAP BW responds to cdot-sap-bw-sapi via the “Z_AW_RFC_READ_TABLE” BAPI with the data from the requested SAP BW table.
  5. cdot-sap-bw-sapi returns the response to cdot-adap-eapi.
  6. cdot-adap-eapi transforms the response field keys removing the “/BIC/” prefix from any keys that have the prefix. Then cdot-adap-eapi returns the response to Advanced Data Analytics Platform (ADAP).
