Digital Desk Exam API

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Digital Desk Exam API

This Mule API is invoked by Digital Desk as and when an user tries to register for an exam.

The MuleSoft API is exposed to Digital Desk as REST API. It helps Digital Desk achieve below capabilities-

  1. To Fetch Account Details from Salesforce. GET Method- it will take Utah Id (User Id) as input and return account details for that user in response after fetching it from Salesforce.
  2. To Post Course Creation Data to Salesforce. POST Method- it will take Course related info as input request, post it to Salesforce to create course record and return success/error details in response.

The Digital Desk Exam API is a REST-based solution that deals in secure and convenient account and exam data between Digital Desk and Salesforce.
Digital Desk Exam API is secured by Mule OAuth.
The Digital Desk Exam API provides Digital Desk ability to Fetch Account Details from Salesforce and also to Post Course Creation Data to Salesforce. It has below endpoints:

/account{utahId}: This endpoint takes uathId as URI Parameter.
This endpoint consists of GET method, which Fetch Account Details from Salesforce.

/course: This endpoint posts Course Creation Data to Salesforce
This endpoint consists of POST method which is used for Course Creation in Salesforce.

GET: This method returns Account Details from Salesforce by using below URI URI parameters. While fetching Account Details multiple validation performed on Salesforce.
1.utahId: It is a mandatory field used for querying the Account details received in URI Parameter.
2.Check if the requested User exists in Salesforce.
3.Check if the account is active.
4.Check if a valid contact exists for the user in Salesforce.
5.Check if Course if allocated to the user or not.

POST: This method creates new Course records in Salesforce system. While creating Course multiple validation performed on Salesforce.
1.The course creation request holds a valid Account id.
2.The required fields to be passed for respective course creation are available in request payload. For instance: ApplicationId.

Key features and benefits
The following are features and benefits of the Digital Desk Exam API:
1. Provides account details for an user requested from Digital Desk.
2. Provides visibility to user data and helps create Course records, hence enabling exam registration for the user in Salesforce.

Flow Diagram

Use cases
The Digital Desk Exam API supports data access for the following use cases.

Use Case-1:
-Fetch Account Details for a given user from Salesforce as requested from Digital Desk.

Use Case-2:
-Post Course Creation Data to Salesforce from Digital Desk related a specific user.
