Infusion And Processing APIs
Infusion-Processing API
The API provides information about the Infusion-Processing details from the ICS account.
The Infusion-Processing API allows to fetch/initiate details from ICS account. Infusion-Processing AP is secured by OAuth token validation, allowing customer to access specific or all records depending on the API use case:
- Fetch all Infusion-Processing details.
- Create/complete Infusion record.
- Create/complete Processing record.
- Update Infusion-Processing record.
The Infusion-Processing API is a REST-based solution that deals secure and convenient customer and business access to Infusion-Processing data.
The Infusion-Processing API is secured by Mule OAuth provider. The API has below endpoints
/Ping: This endpoint returns API health.
This endpoint consists of GET method, which gives the health status of the API.
/Infusion: This endpoint returns Infusion details from the ICS.
/processing: This endpoint returns processing details from the ICS.
This endpoint consists of GET, PUT, POST methods, these are used to fetch, create and complete the Infusion process.
- When create infusion request is passed from the request it initiates Infusion record.
- When complete infusion request is passed from the request it initiates complete Infusion record.
- When processing requests are passed from the request it initiates processing record.
- When complete processing request are passed from the request it initiates complete processing record.
- When specific queryParams are passed to fetch particular Infusion-Processing details user can pass on search criteria.
GET: This method returns Infusion-Processing details by using below query parameters.
1.partnerName: It is a mandatory field used for querying the Infusion-Processing details.
- recordType: It is a non-mandatory field used for querying the Infusion-Processing details.
- icsSFDCId: ICS record id generated. It is non mandatory parameter.
- sourceSystem: It is mandatory parameter for specific facility.
- icsBatchName: Batch name generated by ICS system, it is non mandatory parameter.
- sourceSystemBatchId: Source System batch id, it is non mandatory parameter.
- pageNumber: It is an optional field used for querying the Infusion-Processing details with specific page number.
POST: This method start Infusion-Processing in ICS system as a result infusion batch/ processing batch is created. While creating Infusion-Processing records below are the validation performed.
1.The partnerName, sourceSystem, sourceSystemBatchId, processingType/recordType are required parameters need to be passed.
2.The required fields to be passed for respective Infusion-Processings. for instance: PackageDetails, equipments, Ingredients need to be passed while creating a Infusion-Processing .
3.The details of specific record can also be modified/updated by using same method,user need to pass sourceSystemBatchId of particular record.
PUT: This method complete the Infusion-Processing in ICS system as a result infused batch/processed batch is created. While creating complete Infusion-Processing records below are the validation performed.
1.partnerName, sourceSystem, sourceSystemBatchId are required parameters need to be passed.
2.The required fields to be passed for respective Infusion-Processings. for instance: oldPackageDetails, equipments, newPackageDetails, actualIngredientsUsed need to be passed while creating a
Infusion-Processing .
3.The details of specific record can also be modified/updated by using same method, user need to pass sourceSystemBatchId of particular record.
Key features and benefits
The following are features and benefits of the Infusion-Processing AP:
- Provides access to account details including token validation.
- Puts your customers in control of their data sharing permissions and grants through our Security.
How it works
The following diagram illustrates how the Infusion-Processing AP works.
- The customer sends client ID and Secret requesting authorization token from Mule OAuth provider API.
- Send the security token with valid JSON request to Infusion-Processing endpoint.
- If the access is successful, API will perform the operations and create/update/get the records to/from ICS.
- Response from ICS is captured and return to source system.
- If any error in the flow or validation error, Mule API handles and reverts the specific error with the customer along with standard error codes.
Use cases.
The Infusion-Processing AP supports data access for the following use cases.