

Sunnova offers triggered notifications via webhook whenever the associated data within their respective payloads is updated or an associated event related to it occurs.

The webhooks currently available are;

  • Lead assignment notification
  • Lead status change
  • Contact credit status change
  • Contact signed contract (system, system project creation event and change order conversion)
  • Design as a Service completion
  • Change order submission, rejection, and approval
  • Project block status change
  • Cancellation case creation, status update, or voided action

How to Request

Our webhooks are subscription-based, and you must have an active account with Sunnova to request one.

To request a webhook subscription, please contact your DSM with the following;

  1. The requested webhook(s)
  2. The environment(s) for which they should be created
  3. The destination endpoint URLs that the webhook data should be sent to

Note: Our webhooks only support basic authentication via a Base64 encrypted Basic Authentication header.

Available Webhooks

Lead Assignment Notification

Whenever a lead is assigned to a dealer, that dealer will be notified via the payload below;

   Status: "Open",
   Retail_Rep_Name: "Test Rep",
   Lead_Detail: null,
   WebTracking: "WebTracking1",
   Approximate_Longitude: "-118.447319",
   Approximate_Latitude: "34.159033",
   LeadSource": "Web-Sol,
   Country: null,
   PostalCode: "03087",
   State: "NH",
   City: "Windham",
   Street: "123 Test St.",
   Phone: "3072412568",
   Email: "sfdcinfo@sunnova.com",
   LastName: "Shahid",
   FirstName: "Ali",
   Name": null,
   Id: "00Q4W00001dPcmIUAS",


         Last_Modified_Date:  "2024-03-29T19:58:28.000Z",
         Created_Date:  "2024-03-29T19:58:28.000Z",
         Status: "Open",
         DurationinMinutes:  "30",
         UTCStartDateTime :"2024-03-30T19:58:28.000Z",
         UTCEndDateTime :"2024-03-30T20:28:28.000Z",
         Subject : "Test Appointment",
         AppointmentID : "00AA09810000B12"


Lead Status Change

Whenever the status of a lead is changed, the dealer that owns that lead will be notified via the payload below;

   LeadSource: "AutoRoof Microsite",
   Status: "Appointment Set with Dealer",
   PostalCode: null,
   State: null,
   City: null,
   Street: null,
   Email: mishael.ajide@sunnova.com,
   LastName: "Test",
   FirstName: "SFCAPI",
   ID_Ext: null,
   Id: "00QU8000003gTVJMA2",
   lead: "00QU8000003gTVJMA2"

Contact Credit Status Change

Whenever the Contact Credit Status is changed, the dealer owning the associated lead will be notified via the payload below;

   Credit_Expiration_Date_New: "2020-09-01T19:23:06.000Z",
   Credit_Run_Date:  "2020-06-01T19:23:06.000Z",
   Credit_Declined_Reason: null ,
   Credit_Status_Detail: null,
   Credit_Status: "Passed",
   lead_person: "a8k2R000000YYCjAA2"

Contract Signature Completed

Whenever the lead quote contract signature is completed for either an original contract or a change order amendment, the dealer owning the associated lead will be notified via the payload below;

   System_Project_Id: "a8u8L0000004GcXQAU",
   Sunnova_Id: "UD004487427",
   Lead_Quote_Id: "a8l8L0000008QNMQA2",
   Installation_Partner_Account: "Sunnova Energy Inc.",
   Originator_Partner_Account: "Sunnova Energy Inc.",
   LeadSource: "Quoting",
   Status: "Open",
   PostalCode: "91423",
   State: "CA",
   City: "SHERMAN OAKS",
   Street: "4842 TILDEN AVE",
   Email: "srinivasa.yeduru@sunnova.com",
   LastName: "Test",
   FirstName: "TESTFirstname",
   ID_Ext: "5c7aa3e4-493f-4036-bfbd-ef2aaed3448f",
   Id: "00Q8L000001WTTXUA4",
   Is_Converted: true,
   lead: "00Q8L000001WTTXUA4",

Design as a Service Request Completion

Whenever a Design Request for a solar system is completed by Sunnova, the dealer owning the associated lead will be notified via the payload below;

   Lead: "00Q05000002LEzBEAG",
   System_Design_Status:  "Complete",
   lead_system: "a8m2R000000ddUT"

Change Order Submission, Rejection and Approval

Whenever a change order quote is submitted, rejected, or approved, the dealer owning the associated lead will be notified via the payload below;

   System_Project: "a8u8L0000004GcXQAU",
   Stage: "NTP",
   Status: "Approved",
   Portal_Description: "Change Order",
   Stage: "Substantial",
   Name: "SNV-PB-4901369",
   Work_Order_Required: true,
   Customer_Signature_Required: true,
   Contract_Amendment_Required: true

Project Block Status Change

Whenever a project block is created or has its status updated, the dealer owning the associated lead will be notified via the payload below;

   System_Project_Installation_Partner_Account: "001E000000S0DpNIAV",
   System_Project_PartnerAccount: "001E000000S0DpNIAV",
   System_Project_StageName: "Completed",
   System_Project_Status: "InService",
   System_Project: "a8uE00000004EBjIAM",
   Block_Type: "Document - Upload",
   Date_of_Approval: "2024-02-07T20:25:02.000Z",
   Portal_Description: "Design Package",
   Responsible_Party: "Partner",
   System: "NS0343",
   System1: "a07E0000007CIPcIAO",
   Project_Block_Rejection_Count: null,
   Engineering_Review_Rejection_Reason: null,
   Approved_By: "Sunnova Admin",
   Status: "Submitted"

Cancellation Case Creation, Status Update, or Voided Action

Whenever a new cancellation case is created, the status of an existing case is updated, or a cancellation case is voided, the dealer owning the associated system project will be notified via the payload below;

  "Status": "Closed",
  "System": "a074W00001N8nDxQAJ",
  "CreatedDate": "2024-05-09T21:49:52.000Z",
  "Contact_Name": "Eric Seaberg",
  "Requested_Date": "2024-05-09",
  "System_Project": "a8u4W0000011bdNQAQ",
  "LastModifiedDate": "2024-06-08T21:49:03.000Z",
  "Saved_Cancellation": false,
  "Cancellation_Reason": "Excessive Time to Complete",
  "Cancellation_Category": "Partner Issues",
  "Confirmed_Cancellation": false,
  "Cancellation_Description": null,
  "Cancellation_Requested_By": "Sunnova",
  "System_Approximate_Latitude": 27.5154373,
  "System_Installation_Address": "1814 5TH ST W, PALMETTO FL 34221 United States",
  "System_Approximate_Elevation": 2.284232139587402,
  "System_Approximate_Longitude": -82.5875918,
  "System_Installation_Address_City": "PALMETTO",
  "System_Installation_Address_State": "FL",
  "System_Installation_Address_County": "Manatee County",
  "System_Installation_Address_Line_1": "1814 5TH ST W",
  "System_Installation_Address_Country": "United States",
  "System_Installation_Address_Zip_Code": "34221",
  "System_Project_Primary_Customer_Name": "ERIC SEABERG",
  "System_Project_Partner_Salesperson_Name": "Eric Seaberg"

The following table lists the definitions of all possible Webhook Statuses for the cancellation case webhook:

Webhook Status



A new Cancellation Case has been created for the related project.

In Process

The Cancellation Case is being actively managed and is in process of being finalized.

Pending Partner Response

The Cancellation Case requires additional input/action from the dealer before being finalized.


The related project is confirmed as Cancelled.


Cancellation is voided, related project will be re-activated.

The following table lists the definitions of all possible Cancellation Reasons for the cancellation case webhook:

Cancellation Reason


Credit not passed

Customer didn't pass credit threshold

Customer unresponsive During Install process

Customer unresponsive during the system installation process


Customer is facing a foreclosure

Homeowner Deceased

Homeowner is deceased

Homeowner Moved

Homeowner has moved and no longer lives at address specified

Homeowner Moved Imminent

Homeowner will be moving and will no longer live at address specified

Invalid Customer Contact Information

Customer contact information is invalid


Excessive shade is present around roof that is negatively affecting energy production from solar panels.

Utility Plan/Special Pricing

The cost savings of solar may not be greater than a special utility program (e.g. budget billing)

Validation Non-responsive

Customer did not complete Contract Validation in the allotted time

Deposit/Down Payment Not Made

A Deposit or Down Payment was not made

Utility Bill 

Customer has a low utility bill thus doesn't have a financial return that makes fiscal sense to have a solar panel system

Drivers License

There are issues pertaining to the costumer's Drivers License

AHJ Permits Declined

Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) Permits were declined

Title Verification Incomplete

Title verification is incomplete

Customer not on title

The customer's name is not present on the Title

Electrical Upgrade needed

Customer's current electrical system may not be sufficient to accommodate requirements and therefore an electrical upgrade is needed

Unpermitted Structure

The structure is missing necessary permits from local building authority or municipality

Unsuitable Roof/Structure

The roof or structure on property does not meet necessary safety criteria

Utility Declined

Utilities can decline new solar interconnection for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, it is due to the potential load from the new system and the grid's ability to withstand it.

Homeowner does not own Land

Homeowner does not own Land

Property Use

Cancelled due to ineligible property type

High Voltage

The structure utility's voltage is too high to accommodate for a solar panel system

Additional Information Not Provided

Additional necessary information is missing and/or was not provided by the Partner

Excessive Time To Complete

There are delays or complications that extend the timeframe beyond what is feasible or acceptable for the Partner

Homeowner Unhappy with Partner

There is dissatisfaction or disagreement between the homeowner and their chosen solar panel installation Partner.

Non-Profitable for Partner

Project does not offer sufficient financial profitability for Partner

Outside EPC/Cap Rate

The quoted system price is outside of EPC or Cap Rate

Alternate Provider Chosen 

Customer decided to go with an alternate provider



Length of Contract

Contract term is too long for client


Customer has concerns about escalating price of future payments

Pending Change Order Not Signed

Pending change order has not yet been signed by Customer


The price is too high / the savings aren't enough for the Customer

Product Change

There has been a change to the produce specified in the contract terms

Recurring Payment

Issue with the recurring payment

Sunnova Reputation

Customer is unhappy with Sunnova's reputation


Limitations or restrictions exist regarding the ability to transfer ownership or associated financing to another party

Customer unresponsive During Install process

Customer unresponsive during installation process

Duplicate System Project

This is a duplicate of another System Project within Sunnova


Concerns or issues exist related to fraudulent activity or non-compliance with regulatory requirements, industry standards, or contractual obligations

Legislative Landscape Issue

Legal or regulatory barriers pertaining to the customer's landscape prevent from solar system installation

Quote Expired

Saved Quotes are good for 30 days if they are not signed contracts. Not sure how a quote would expire once it's included on a contract.

System Size

System size is over utility cap

Recurring Payment Required

A recurring payment is required but customer does not want to enroll

Customer Refusal

Customer refuses to proceed with moving the project forward

Requested By Partner

Cancellation has been requested by Partner

Unable to Reach Customer

Unable to Reach Customer

No Access

Parties involved in the system project have no access to the home

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