Tangoe Telecom SOAP API

(0 reviews)

> Equipment


The method returns the ID of an equipment type. A valid description of the equipment type (equipment type name) must be provided as a string value. In order to observe the correct naming for each equipment type, getEquipmentTypes() method may be invoked. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Errors:
    • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
    • Data validation error – situations:
      • the provided equipment type name does not exist and the equipment type ID could not be retrieved from the database;
    • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method returns the available equipment types. No parameter is required to perform this operation. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Errors:
    • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
    • Data validation error – situations:
      • the requested equipment types could not be retrieved from the database;
    • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method returns the equipment manufacturers that correspond to the provided equipment type ID. The IDs of the existing equipment types may be retrieved using getEquipmentTypes. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Errors:
    • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
    • Data validation error – situations:
      • the provided equipment device type ID does not exist;
    • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method returns the equipment models that correspond to the provided equipment manufacturer ID. The IDs of the existing equipment manufacturers may be retrieved using getEquipmentManufacturers. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Errors:
    • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
    • Data validation error – situations:
      • the provided equipment manufacturer ID does not exist;
    • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method adds an equipment type into the database using the provided fields from EquipmentType object. It returns the ID of the newly added equipment type. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Inside the provided equipment type, name field must always be provided;
  • Name field must represent a non existing equipment device type name;


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • there is already an equipment device type with the provided name;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method adds an equipment manufacturer into the database for the provided equipmentTypeID, using the fields from the EquipmentManufacturer object. It returns the ID of the newly added manufacturer. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • EquipmentTypeID must always be provided;
  • Inside the provided manufacturer object, name field must always be provided;
  • Name field must represent a non existing equipment manufacturer that corresponds tothe provided equipmentTypeID;


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • the provided equipmentTypeID does not exist in the database;
    • there is already an equipment manufacturer with the provided name, forthe provided equipmentTypeID;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method adds an equipment model into the database for the provided manufacturerID, using the fields from the EquipmentModel object. It returns the ID of the newly added model. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • EquipmentManufacturerID must always be provided;
  • Inside the provided model object, name field must always be provided;
  • Name field must represent a non existing equipment model that corresponds to theprovided equipmentManufacturerID;


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • the provided equipmentManufacturerID does not exist in the database;
    • there is already an equipment model with the provided name for theprovided equipmentManufacturerID;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method returns all pieces of equipment that have the provided equipmentTypeID and equipment deviceName. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 29 items in any order-->
               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->

21.2 Changes:

  • suspended boolean field was added. It will be included only if the item is active.


  • glAccount and fixedAllocation are mutually exclusive. Depending on which one is set in the database for a returned equipment, only one of the two will appear in the response object


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • no piece of equipment could be found for the provided equipment type id and device name;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method adds a piece of equipment into the database using the provided fields from EquipmentDetails object. It returns the ID of the newly added equipment. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 29 items in any order-->
               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->

21.2 Changes:

  • suspended boolean field was added. If it is not provided, suspended is set to false by default.


  • Inside the provided equipment element, the following fields must always be provided: equipmentTypeID, deviceName, costCenterNo, vendor, manufacturer, model,serialNo, dateActivated, status;
  • It is possible for an equipment type to have required custom fields, in which case values for these fields must be provided;
  • glAccount and fixedAllocation are mutually exclusive. The one that is provided is set in the database.
  • The following elements accept only particular values:
    • equipmentTypeID – an existing equipment type ID;
    • deviceName – a non existing equipment device name for the provided equipment type ID;
    • manufacturer – a valid manufacturer;
    • model – a valid model;
    • costCenter – a valid cost center number;
    • glAccount – a valid GL account number;
    • fixedAllocation – a valid fixed allocation code or description;
    • state – a valid state code;
    • country – a valid country code;
    • vendor – a valid vendor name;
    • assignedTo – a valid employee ID;
    • dateActivated – a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date;
    • dateDeactivated - a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date.
    • upgradeEligibilityDate - a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date.
  • DateEntered field will be set to the system time;
  • Manufacturer and model are case insensitive;
  • Maintenance field is not used, it is hardcoded to “Future”;
  • If the value of a custom field of boolean type is not provided, it will default to false;
  • If the value of a custom field of integer type is not provided, it will default to zero (0);
  • If the value of a custom field of double type is not provided, it will default to zero (0);
  • The value of a boolean custom field is specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true);
  • The user that is associated with this operation must be set in the TIMS.properties file.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • the user id from the properties file was not set correctly;
    • there is already an equipment with the provided equipmentTypeID and deviceName;
    • there is already an equipment with the provided equipmentTypeID, manufacturer, model and serialNo;
    • at least one of equipmentTypeID, deviceName, costCenterNo, glAccount, vendor, manufacturer, model, serialNo, dateActivated, status is not provided (as they are considered compulsory).
    • one of the particular fields (equipmentTypeID, manufacturer, model, costCenter, vendor, glAccount, fixedAllocation, state, country, dateActivated, dateDeactivated) contains invalid data;
    • both glAccount and fixedAllocation are provided;
    • a custom field contains an invalid value – an option that does not exist for a combo type one, a string represented different from mm/dd/yyyy for a date one, a string that does not represent an integer for an integer one, a string that does not represent a double for a double one, a string different from 0 or 1 for a Boolean one;
    • a custom field does not exist for the provided equipment type;
    • a custom field that is required for the provided equipment type is not provided;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method updates a piece of equipment with the data provided in the EquipmentDetails object. If there are multiple pieces of equipment with the same provided type ID and device name, only one of them is edited. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 29 items in any order-->
               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->

21.2 Changes:

  • suspend or reactivate an inventory for all service types, which is applied only for items considered as active in terms of dateActivated and dateDeactivated fields. If it is not provided, suspended is set to false by default.
  • remove Location value using empty string, which applies only when Location property is configured on true in the application. If the location property is configured on true and Location field is required based on user rights an Error will be thrown - Field Location No. is required.
  • remove Assigned Employee value using empty string;


  • The piece of equipment that is edited is determined based on the equipmentTypeID and deviceName found inside the provided equipment element. If there are multiple pieces of equipment with the same equipment type and device name, only one of them will be edited;
  • Inside the provided equipment, the following fields must always be provided: equipmentTypeID, deviceName;
  • glAccount and fixedAllocation are mutually exclusive. The one that is provided is set in the database.
  • The following elements accept only particular values:
    • equipmentTypeID – an existing equipment type ID;
    • deviceName – a non existing equipment device name for the provided equipment type ID;
    • manufacturer – a valid manufacturer;
    • model – a valid model;
    • costCenter – a valid cost center number;
    • glAccount – a valid GL account number;
    • fixedAllocation – a valid fixed allocation code or description;
    • state – a valid state code;
    • country – a valid country code;
    • vendor – a valid vendor name;
    • assignedTo – a valid employee ID;
    • dateActivated – a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date;
    • dateDeactivated - a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date.
    • upgradeEligibilityDate - a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date.
  • EquipmentTypeID may be edited and replaced with the value provided in newEquipmentTypeID;
  • If newEquipmentTypeID is provided, manufacturer and model must be also provided and these must correspond to the new provided type ID;
  • If manufacturer is provided, model must also be provided and it must correspond to the new provided manufacturer;
  • DeviceName may be edited and replaced with the value provided in newDeviceName field;
  • Manufacturer and model are case insensitive;
  • Only the provided fields as part of the request are edited. The rest of the fields remainas they were before the start of the operation;
  • The user that is associated with this operation must be set in the TIMS.properties file.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • the user id from the properties file was not set correctly;
    • the deviceName for the equipmentTypeID does not exist;
    • the newEquipmentTypeID is provided, but the manufacturer or model aremissing;
    • the manufacturer is provided, but model is missing;
    • one of the particular fields (equipmentTypeID, manufacturer, model,costCenter, vendor, glAccount, fixedAllocation, state, country) containsinvalid data;
    • both glAccount and fixedAllocation are provided;
    • a custom field contains an invalid value – an option that does not exist fora combo type one, a string represented different from mm/dd/yyyy for a date one, a string that does not represent an integer for an integer one, a string that does not represent a double for a double one, a string different from 0 or 1 for a boolean one;
    • a custom field does not exist for the provided equipment type.
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method queries the database for peces of equipment using as filter the elements provided in the EquipmentDetails object. Together with the filter, a maximum number of returned items may be included in the request. If this is not present, all found records are returned from the database. The result of the operation is a list with zero or more pieces of equipment that match the provided filter and an object represented by a code and a message with details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 29 items in any order-->
               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 29 items in any order-->
               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->

21.2 Changes:

  • suspended boolean field was added.


  • Inside the provided equipment that is used as filter, equipmentTypeID must always be provided;
  • EquipmentTypeID must designate an existing equipmentTypeID;
  • If the user enters a model in the filter, a manufacturer must also be provided and the model must be a designated one of the manufacturer;
  • A search filter may contain just standard fields. Not all fields from equipment details object are used.;
  • The filter fields are those used inside the Telecom application under the AdvancedFind section;


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
    • Data validation error – situations:
    • equipmentTypeID that was entered is not a valid one;
    • one of the particular fields (equipmentTypeID, manufacturer, model, costCenter, vendor, glAccount, fixedAllocation, state, country) contains invalid data;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method is used to visualize the log of modifications performed on equipment items. The interrogation may be done either by equipmentTypeID and deviceName, or by date interval (dateFrom - dateTo), or by both. If there are multiple pieces of equipment with the same provided type ID and device name, only the first one found is considered and the log details for this are brought. This situation is very likely to be encountered though. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--You may enter the following 5 items in any order-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 8 items in any order-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • EquipmentTypeID and _deviceName _must always be provided together or not provided at all;
  • FromDate and toDate must always be provided together or not provided at all;
  • If equipmentTypeID and deviceName are provided, the log records that are brought refer only to the first such equipment item found (if there are many with these characteristics);
  • If fromDate and toDate are provided, the log records that are brought consist in actions performed between the specified dates;
  • If maxNoOfRecords is provided, only the latest indicated number of log items will be brought;
  • If not provided maxNoOfRecords will have a default value of 50;
  • The following elements accept only particular values:
    • equipmentTypeID – an existing equipment type ID;
    • deviceName – an existing inventory number for the provided service type;
    • dateFrom – a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date;
    • dateTo - a mm/dd/yyyy string representation of a valid date.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • one of equipmentTypeID or deviceName is not provided;
    • one of dateFrom or dateTo is not provided;
    • the equipmentTypeID, deviceName pair is not valid;
    • one of the particular fields (dateFrom, dateTo) contains invalid data;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.Order


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