Tangoe Telecom SOAP API

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> User


The method adds a new user into the database using the provided fields from UserDetails object. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. Also the UserID of the new user is returned as part of the response object. The user is not created if another one with the same UserID already exists. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 10 items in any order-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Inside the provided user object, userName, firstName, lastName, email, password, profileName fields must always be provided.
  • The following elements accept only particular values:
    • userName – a non existing UserName;
    • email – a string representing an email address.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • userName is not provided (as it is considered compulsory).
    • there is already an user with the provided userName;
    • firstName is not provided (as it is considered compulsory).
    • lastName is not provided (as it is considered compulsory).
    • email is not provided (as it is considered compulsory).
    • password is not provided (as it is considered compulsory).
    • profileName is not provided (as it is considered compulsory).
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method edits an existing user using the provided fields from UserDetails object. The result of the operation is an object represented by a code and a message that provides details about the success of the operation. The structure of the used objects may be observed in the appendix section of this document. If a listed field is not provided (excluding username) the existing value from the database will be used insead. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 10 items in any order-->


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • Inside the provided user object, userName fields must always be provided.
  • The following elements accept only particular values:
    • userName – an existing UserName;
    • email – a string representing an email address.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Data validation error – situations:
    • there is no user with the provided userName;
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method removes the user that is identified by username from the system and returns the userID of the userName that was deleted if operation is successful, -1 otherwise.

The structure of the used objects may be observed in appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • The userName parameter is mandatory. Only an exact match will be returned.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method returns the userID associated with the provided userName. The structure of the used objects may be observed in appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • The userName parameter is mandatory. Only an exact match will be returned.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details);
  • Operation error, if a database error occurs.


The method returns the profile ID, profile name and profile description associated with the provided searchProfileName. If left empty, all records are returned. Otherwise all records starting with the searchProfileName value will be returned. The structure of the used objects may be observed in appendix section of this document. The format of the request and response messages is the following:


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:inv="http://www.asentinel.com/asentinelws/schemas/invord">
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--You may enter the following 4 items in any order-->
            <!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


  • The searchProfileName parameter is not mandatory. The following fields will be returned: ProfileID, ProfileName, ProfileDescription, BuiltIn where ProfileName starts with searchProfileName as prefix. If the searchProfileName is empty, all profiles are returned.


  • Message validation error - SOAP fault message (see dedicated section for more details); Operation error, if a database error occurs.
