Tangoe Telecom SOAP API

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The purpose of this document is to provide customer development teams with a guide to understanding and creating the messages necessary to invoke Telecom web services, implemented for managing inventory items (voice, data, equipment), inventory orders, employees, cost centers, cost center system splits, invoice.

It contains brief implementation information, a list of the web service methods, and an appendix that describes the exact XSD format of the elements used by the web services messages.

This document contains material that is a property of and confidential to Tangoe. Disclosure outside Tangoe is prohibited except by written permission, license agreement, or other confidentiality agreement. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means is expressly prohibited.


Telecom provides web services that allow adding, editing, and finding inventory items (voice, data and equipment), adding and editing inventory orders (voice and data), adding, editing and finding employees, adding, editing and finding cost centers, adding, editing and finding cost center system splits, adding, editing, deleting, finding users in the applications. Also, a few other operations are available, that are useful while working with inventory items, equipment, orders, employees, cost centers, system splits and users, operations referred to as getters since they may be used to bring additional information about the used entities.

Telecom creates document-driven web services using the Spring-WS framework component.

The development of Telecom web services clients may start with the definition of the messages exchanged between the client and the service when trying to fulfill an action. These structures are expressed using the XML Schema (XSD) and are provided for each method in the next sections of this document.

The security policy that will be implemented for the web services remains to be developed.

Release Notes

Version 8.0

Supports all web methods implemented in the previous versions:

getServiceTypeID, getServiceTypes, getOrderTypes, getOrderStatuses, getCustomFields, getInventoryItem, getOrder, getOrdersForInventoryItem, addInventoryItem, editInventoryItem, addOrder, editOrder, findInventoryItem, addEmployee, findEmployee, editEmployee, addCostCenter, editCostCenter, findCostCenter, addSplit, editSplit, findSplit, getItemsForSplit,getEquipmentTypeID, getEquipmentManufacturers, getEquipmentModels, addEquipmentManufacturer, addEquipmentModel, addEquipment, editEquipment, findEquipment, updateInvoiceFromInventory, getInventoryLog and getEquipmentLog and is added 5 new methods: addUser, editUser, deleteUser, getUserID, FindProfile.

Version 8.0 is in accordance with version 8.0 of Telecom application and therefore it is using a Telecom 8.0 database.

Version 9.3 implements two new web methods, beside the ones existing in previous versions: addItemsToOrder, removeItemsFromOrders. Due to the new features present in 9.3 the following web methods required changes: addInventoryItem, editInventoryItem, getInventoryItem, findInventoryItem, addEquipment, editEquipment, findEquipment, getOrdersForInventory, getOrder, addOrder, editOrder, addEmployee, editEmployee.

Version 9.3 is in accordance with version 9.3 of Telecom application, therefore it is using a Telecom 9.3 database.

Version 19.2 implements one new web method, besides the ones existing in previous versions: getDynamicFields. Due to the new features added in 19.2 the following web methods require changes: addInventoryItem, editInventoryItem, getInventoryItem, findInventoryItem.

Version 19.3, Version 20.1 and Version 20.2 modified the way the inventory items are treaded. For methods as addInventoryItem, editInventoryItem, getInventoryItem, findInventoryItem, all attributes are provided as part of the request / response. getDynamicFields method was removed since there is no distinction between dynamic and non-dynamic fields at the client level. Clients migrating from version 19.1 or lower are not affected as the structure of the messages is kept as prior to the addition of the inventory dynamic fields.

Version 21.1 modified the way the editOrder treats notes field.

Version 21.2 implements the ability to suspend or reactivate an inventory for all service types (including equipment), which is applied only for items considered as active in terms of dateActivated and dateDeactivated fields. Remove Location value, which applies only when Location property is configured on true in the application. Remove Assigned Employee value. Inventory items can be searched by customFields and lastActionDate, which are also returned in the response. The search of the inventory items can be paginated with the addition of the new fields fromRecord and totalRecords.


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