Tangoe ServiceNow API

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The purpose of this guide is to help developers/tech teams who are tasked with implementing solutions that utilize Tangoe SNOW APIs to understand how the technology works and how to use the APIs. Tangoe ServiceNow case management via Rest APIs is a set of REST HTTP APIs that expose many capabilities required to access and create a case on Tangoe ServiceNow instance. It manages the case lifecycle from end to end and it provides the capability of real-time sync between clients ticketing system (API consumer) and Tangoe’s ServiceNow cases via subscription-based model.


To use APIs, associates working with them should have the basic familiarity with software development, HTTP, RESTful web services and JSON. We’ll work with you to expose our SNOW case data via REST APIs and show how to use them. However, it is up to you to write the middleware that utilizes Tangoe APIs to fulfill your business needs.


This section contains information about APIs that Tangoe customers can rely on to create, read, and update Case records in the Tangoe ServiceNow environment. API used is Representational State Transfer (REST) API. These API's will cover inbound data to Tangoe.

Each section is divided into Resource Description, Parameters, and Examples (Request & Response Example).

  • Resource Description
    • URI: This is the URI or URIs to which you will send your request to work with this API.
    • Method: Details the type of call. HTTP methods are used.
    • Types used: GET, POST, PATCH
      • The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data.
      • The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
      • The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
      • For POST and PATCH calls, request body is expected (mandatory)
  • Parameters: Optional query parameters which can be used while retrieving the data.
  • Examples: This area includes requests and responses for common scenarios (with examples) that involve working with this API.


Customers can optionally choose to receive updates from Tangoe.
To use the callback feature, a customer first needs to define a REST endpoint of their own where updates can be sent. The customer can then attach the details of that endpoint to any case they have open with Tangoe. If they do so, Tangoe's automation will call that endpoint whenever key fields on the case are updated. The payload attached to each call will contain the current field-value pairs for the case fields that are visible to the customer. The customer can subscribe to or unsubscribe from these updates by populating or clearing the callback object on each individual case.
