Origin API (AU)
This API documentation is specifically designed for Origin Australia, providing comprehensive information on common endpoints for certificate creation, goods submission, and authorization processes within our services.
TradeWindow Origin (AU) API
This API documentation is specifically designed for Origin Australia, providing comprehensive information on common endpoints for certificate creation, goods submission, and authorization processes within our services.
10/17/2023 V1.4.0
Added thirdParty related fields
10/17/2023 V1.3.0
Update documentation with the information involving JAEPA in consequence of the v2.6.0 release
10/17/2023 V1.2.1
Update documentation in consequence of v2.5.1 release
08/17/2023 V1.1.0
AANZFTA certificate now available for AU customers (v2.3.0 of Origin)
07/05/2023 V1.0.0
Initial release of the API documentation for Origin (https://tradewindow.io/origin/)