This API will house endpoints for the following which are available by requesting access to "Read-only Access" except where noted:
- Internal Service Delivery (ISD)
- (request access to "Submit ISD") changes to
- changes to
- Journals
- changes to
FDM details are provided by Organization API's /costcenters/worktags endpoint if needed.
Change log:
2023 Oct 19 v1.0.12 - add /awards endpoint to deliver Award data for ARCH.
2023 Sep 18 v1.0.12 - Test - added /proposals endpoint to deliver Radar RMS INFOED data.
2023 Jan 26 v1.0.11 - moved the previous ProjectHierarchy_id addition and ProjectGroup_id fix to production.
2022 Jun 23 v1.0.11 - in Test, added ProjectHierarchy_id to /projects endpoint, fixed handling of ProjectGroup_id on the same endpoint. Workday does not support query by multiple IDs for either option and this was causing errors if testing with multiple ProjectGroup_id values.
2022 May 22 v1.0.10 - fixed handling of Journal_Status parameter for /journals endpoint.
2022 Jan 06 v1.0.9a - Financial API - bug fix to correct a JWT parsing problem which failed with the migration to the new Identity Server release early on Jan 5th.
2021 Oct 08 v1.0.9 - added /isps endpoint to deliver Internal Service Provider data.
2020 Oct 23 v1.0.5e - fixed top level response object name for /projects to match the documented object name. Changed from "journals" to "projects".
2020 Oct 13 v1.0.5d - added query parameter "Format=new" to /isdOutbound. Enables new layout which is more in line with other financial APIs, most notably the handling for Wroktags. Default without the query parameter is the existing layout.
2020 Jul 17 v1.0.5c - added "filters" query parameter for /person/ids endpoint.
2020 Jul 16 v1.0.5b - fixed bug with /submit/isdInbound handling Quantity and UnitCost. Also made UnitOfMeasure no longer required for this endpoint.
2020 Jul 15 v1.0.5 - added /gifts endpoint. updated /submit/isdInbound: Quantity and UnitCost will no longer be required by the API. Workday may still require them based on other inputs.
2020 Jun 17 v1.0.4 - Release of POST method for /submit/isdInbound. Minor documentation updates to the RAML to provide better worktag samples. All query parameters from the PUT method of /submit/isdInbound are mapped to JSON attributes, and either method is allowed now.
2020 Jun 12 v1.0.3b - Code not yet released. API specification update only: The new POST method for /submit/isdInbound has been published but is not yet functional in test.
2020 May 05 v1.0.3 - Added /projects endpoint to provide a mapping from Workday project IDs to external project IDs if needed.
2020 Apr 10 v1.0.2 - Two very important changes, and one minor addition. First up: modified /submit/isdInbound to no longer require the header_* input fields, they have been marked optional.
Second change: /journals endpoint completely redone to return all significant fields from the Workday Get_Journals API, replacing the specialized RaaS previously returning a small subset of journal data. To access the original RaaS output, pay attention to the query parameter "Use_RaaS" in the documentation. Since the previous report data was questionable, and not used by the specific integration it was designed to support, this is not considered a breaking change. Old fields are supported and mapped as best able, only four fields at no longer populated, and three of those are available in the new API response fields. Only the External Project Number field is not directly returned, but has been seen as a value in the new project fields.
The minor addition X-Correlation-ID has been added as an optional inbound HTTP header. Value will be logged to splunk for better tracking and research.
2020 Mar 06 v1.0.1c - updated error handling and logging.
2020 Feb 25 v1.0.1b - updated /submit/isdInbound endpoint to capture and return validation errors from Workday when possible.
2020 Feb 11 v1.0.1 - Modified inbound endpoint for security access enhancements. /isdIbound is now /submit/isdInbound and requires a separate initial access request to submit data to the system. Where you normally request access on this page, a new API instance labelled "Submit ISD" will be available. Only integrations which are supposed to be submitting data will be granted access.
2020 Jan 21 v1.0.0 - initial deployment. ISD and Journal API endpoints are now supported by this API.