v1 Change log:
2023 Oct 17 v1.0.6b - Archibus need fields added in TEST:
- /buildings added AcademicUnit_id, PrimaryUsageType, and SecondaryUsageType.
- /rooms (also related /rooms endpoints) added UsageType.
2023 Jul 06 v1.0.6a - Archibus endpoint filters and delta_from options added:
- /buildings can filter by Site=value (eg: Medical), SpaceOffice=value (eg: MEDICAL), BuildingStatus=value (one of: ACTIVE, FUTURE, PIPELINE, or REMOVED)
- /rooms (also related /rooms endpoints) can filter by RoomType=value (eg:345) or RoomCategory=value (eg: 3xx), minRoomCapacity=value returns rooms with capacity >= value, isAcademic=1 returns all rooms with an AcademicUnit_id assigned, and AcademicUnit_id query parameter supports a comma separated list of up to 5 academic units.
- Added LastUpdated field for all /buildings, /floors, and /rooms endpoints, this is the field used by the new delta_from parameter to find records changed since date/time in the format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS *Note this is the format preferred by SQL Server with a space instead of 'T' between date and time.
- Added Location_id to all /rooms endpoints in the format building_id + '-' + floor_id + '-' + (room_id left padded with '0' to 5 digits)
2023 Mar 24 v1.0.6 - Archibus /rooms (also /building/(id)/rooms, /building/(id)/floors/(id)/rooms, and /floors/(id)/rooms) - added AcademicUnit_id field.
2022 Jan 06 v1.0.5a - Location API - bug fix to correct a JWT parsing problem which failed with the migration to the new Identity Server release early on Jan 5th.
2021-Mar-10 v1.0.5 - Splunk URL/token changes to switch from cloud to on-prem. Cleaned up some log messages, and prepped Workday URL changes for gold tenant switch.
2020-Jun-22 v1.0.4b - fixed TimeZone bug affecting a couple of locations.
2020-May-20 v1.0.4 - added CountryCode and TimeZone to Buildings and TimeZone to Locations
2020 Apr 13 v1.0.3b - added X-Correlation-ID as an optional inbound HTTP header. Value will be logged to splunk for better tracking and research.
2020-Mar-09: v1.0.3 non-breaking changes: Now parsing server errors from Workday and returning messages when possible. Standardized internal logging and improved notifications.
2020-Jan-31: v1.0.2 Breaking changes for Archibus-sourced endpoints to conform with CDM updates: /buildings, /floors, and /rooms.
/floors changes: removed FloorNumber, was duplicating Floor_id which remains.
/buildings changes: updated BuildingNameShort->BuildingShortName, Spaceoffice->SpaceOffice, Facilityzone->FacilityZone, AreaExtWall->AreaExteriorWall, AreaGrossExt->AreaExteriorGross, AreaGrossInt->AreaInteriorGross, TotalOccupiableArea->AreaOccupiable, TotalNonOccupiableArea->AreaNonOccupiable, TotalRoomArea->AreaRoom
/rooms changes: removed RoomNumber, updated Occupiable->OccupiableIndicator, AssigneeDept_id->Assignee_id, AssigneeDept->AssigneeName, added Area, and LabQualityCode.
2020-Jan-09: v1.0.1 Added /buildings, /floors, and /rooms endpoints which return data from Archibus.
2019-Nov-04: v1.0.0 initial release.