Requesting Access
This endpoints under this API are available by requesting access to "Read-only Access" except as noted here:
/submit/contracts requires access requested to "Submit Contract".
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe way of representing claims that are to be transferred between two parties. The Validate JWT policy enables you to secure access to your APIs by using JWT validation. For example, when an input request that contains a JWT in the header is received, the Validate JWT policy extracts the token, verifies, and decrypts (if appropriate) the signature, and validates the claim. If valid, the claim is put in a runtime variable (for subsequent use if required), and access is allowed to the API. If the claim is not valid, access is denied.
All claims that are specified in the Validate JWT policy are validated, but this is not necessarily all the claims that are contained in the JWT. Not all claims that are in the JWT must be validated, but if any one of the claims that are specified in the Validate JWT policy fail, the whole validation fails. If the validation succeeds, the full set of claims that are contained in the JWT are written to the runtime variable specified in the Output Claims property. Thereby allowing any subsequent action to use this runtime variable to further validate the full set of claims that were in the JWT, as necessary.
WU uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a charge failed, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Stripe's servers (these are rare).
Some 4xx errors that could be handled programmatically (e.g., a card is declined) include an error code that briefly explains the error reported.
By default this API will return only 100 records unless you specify Page/Count. Regardless it will only return 999 maximum rows. To fetch more records after first page you need to ensure that you have designated the delta_from and delta_through query parameters.
When we make backwards-incompatible changes to the current API, we release a new version. The Change Log lists every available version. To set the API version on a specific request, modify the {api_version} in the URL accordingly.
Change Log
2022 Feb 15 v1.0.12 - /purchaseOrders - added query parameter DataSource=API to retrieve PO data from the Workday API instead of the default RaaS source. This allows paging which avoids the crash due to memory overflow when trying to fetch all POs. Also provides access to LineSplit data which is not available from the RaaS source. The API source does not have access to the journal field "AccountingDate" nor the requisition field "RequestedBy". Other field changes can be seen in the Exchange page under /purchaseOrders.
2022 Jan 06 v1.0.11d - Supplier API - bug fix to correct a JWT parsing problem which failed with the migration to the new Identity Server release early on Jan 5th.
2021 Oct 13 v1.0.11c - fixed mapping issue for Supplier_id and SupplierReference_id for /invoices (INC2110511). Fixed next/prev URL for /invoices and /contracts outbound.
2021 Aug 25 v1.0.11b - added InvoiceLineSplitData under InvoiceLineData for /invoices.
2021 Feb 05 v1.0.11 - added /supplier/contracts - outbound endpoint wrapping Workday's Get_Supplier_Contracts API.
2020 Nov 10 v1.0.10 - for /purchaseOrders added LineType=(Goods,Services) under PurchaseOrderLines. Also mapped service data under purchase order line, as indicated by LineType. No other field changes, service oriented purchase orders utilize many of the same line fields, but do not have Quantity, UnitOfMeasure, or UnitCost.
2020 Oct 23 v1.0.9b - new field mapped for /invoices under InvoiceLineData: PurchaseOrder_id
2020 Oct 19 v1.0.9 - new fields mapped for /invoices
Under InvoiceProfile are the following new fields: CancelAccountingDate, InvoiceAccountingDate, AccountingDateOverride, BudgetDate, FreightAmount, OtherCharges, SupplierInvoiceRequestReference, AdditionalReferenceNumber, Memo, and RetentionMemo.
Under InvoiceLineData are: PurchaseOrderLine_id, PurchaseOrderLine_wid, and UnitOfMeasure.
Also updated the /invoices endpoint documentation with example data.
2020 Sep 24 v1.0.8b - added new query parameters to /purchaseOrders: CostCenter_id and Delta_From
2020 Sep 02 v1.0.8 - added new fields to /purchaseOrders: AccountingDate, Memo, InternalMemo, TotalOfLines, and to the PurchaseOrderLines object: LineNumber, UnitCost, and ExtendedAmount.
2020 Aug 25 v1.0.7b - added Value field to SupplierClassification object /supplier/suppliers endpoint.
2020 Jul 09 v1.0.7 - added PurchaseOrders>PurchaseOrderIssuedDate field to /supplier/purchaseOrders endpoint.
2020 Apr 13 v1.0.6b - added X-Correlation-ID as an optional inbound HTTP header. Value will be logged to splunk for better tracking and research.
2020 Mar 31 v1.0.6 - updated /payments with delta_from and delta_through query parameters for the Payment Date. NOTE: removed PaymentDate as query parameter. Added InvoiceNumber to main payments result set
2020 Mar 23 v1.0.5 - updated /submit/contracts to allow multiple Cost Center IDs, added sample showing how to submit multiple Cost Center IDs in proper JSON format.
2020 Mar 18 v1.0.4e - updated /purchaseOrders endpoint. Added SpendCategory field to the PurchaseOrderLines section.
2020 Mar 12 v1.0.4d - updated /purchaseOrders endpoint. Added PurchaseOrderStatus query parameter and PurchaseOrderStatus, POL_ShipToContact, and POL_ShipToContact_id fields to response. Valid Purchase Order Statuses: In Progress, Approved, Canceled, Closed, Denied, Draft, Issued, CHANGE_ORDER_IN_PROGRESS, PENDING_ISSUE
2020 Mar 09 v1.0.4c - updated error handling and logging.
2020 Feb 25 v1.0.4b - updated /submit/contracts endpoint to capture and return validation errors from Workday where possible.
2020 Feb 21 v1.0.4 - Updated /submit/contracts request object to allow multiple line items
2020 Feb 20 v1.0.3 - added the following fields to supplier purchase orders endpoint
- PurchaseOrder>Version
- PurchaseOrderLines>ExternalCartLineDetails
- PurchaseOrderLines>RequisitionLine
2020 Feb 14 v1.0.2c - The supplier contract submission endpoint was updated with new form fields; the complete list is as follows:
- Supplier_Contract_ID
- Company_Reference_ID
- Supplier_ID
- Employee_ID
- Supplier_Contract_Type_ID
- Contract_Name
- Supplier_Reference_Number
- Contract_Document_Link
- Contract_Start_Date
- Contract_Signed_Date
- Contract_End_Date
- Total_Contract_Amount
- Original_Contract_Amount
- Currency_ID
- Locked_in_Workday
- On_Hold
- Line_Number
- Line_On_Hold
- Spend_Category_ID
- Extended_Amount
- Start_Date
- End_Date
- Do_Not_Auto_Renew
- Cost_Center_Reference_ID
2020 Feb 11 v1.0.2b - Modified inbound endpoint for security access enhancements. /contracts is now /submit/contracts and requires a separate initial access request to submit data to the system. Where you normally request access on this page, a new API instance labelled "Submit Contracts" will be available. Only integrations which are supposed to be submitting data will be granted access.
2020 Jan 16 v1.0.2a - Add 'ShipToContact' field in PurchaseOrder object.
2020 Jan 10 v1.0.1 - Now accepting correlation ID from inbound HTTP header "wu_cid". Will be tracked in internal Splunk logs for troubleshooting purposes.