Accelerator ID Graph LWC - Source

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Salesforce Lightning Web Component configuration

The following example shows how to fetch Customer Profile Data using the Salesforce Experience API endpoint and display in Salesforce using this Lightning Web Component.

Prerequisite setup

  1. In Salesforce, ensure "My Domain" is turned on and activated for the org. Search "My Domain" in the Salesforce setup page.
  2. Create CSP Trusted Sites (Note: this step takes 15-45 minutes to kick in after enabled. There is no alert when ready). In Salesforce Setup, search "CSP Trusted Sites". Create a CSP trusted site with the URL of the Salesforce Experience API deployed to CloudHub (e.g., Be sure to not include a trailing slash on the URL.


  3. Salesforce API callouts validate authenticity and ensure security via the use of CORS. It is necessary to configure the Mule API to support CORS. It can be done one of 2 ways:
    • Via Mulesoft API manager, add the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Policy set to Public Resource.


    • Manually return the appropriate headers in your Salesforce Experience API.


Deploying Lightning Web Component to Salesforce

Method 1

  1. Deploy static resources (zip file in the root project folder containing D3.js, CSS/stylesheet, and icons) to Salesforce as a new Static Resource called network_d3. See for details.
  2. Install the Salesforce CLI (SFDX) on your local system.
  3. Set up Visual Studio Code by following this trailhead:
  4. Open the project folder in the Visual Studio Code app (note: must be the root folder in VS Code).
  5. Authorize the org to publish the code (search for SFDX in the command palette).
  6. Deploy the component source to org. This is best accomplished from the command line by running the following command from the project directory: sfdx force:source:deploy --sourcepath force-app/main/default/lwc/networkVisualizer
  7. In Salesforce organization, navigate to "Custom Code -> Lightning Components -> Lightning Components" and make sure the component is available in the list:


Method 2

  1. After logging into the target Salesforce org, paste the Install URL into the browser address bar
  2. Approve the Install for "All Users".
  3. After installation is complete, navigate to "Packaging -> Installed Packages" and make sure the package Accelerator ID Graph is available in the list.


In case of Apex compile failure, expand the 'Advanced Options' and select Compile only the Apex in the package option.

The below configuration steps are specific for Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

Salesforce Configuration for Accounts

  1. Navigate to a record page within Accounts object and click the gear icon at the top right to select Edit Page. On the edit page menu, on the left side menu scroll to the bottom to find the custom component networkVisualizer. Drag the components onto the page as shown in the image below.


  2. Click on the component to configure parameters. Set the following attributes with parameters:
    • Title to display - Set the header title as Customer ID Graph.
    • Icon for display - From Salesforce Lightning Design System (LDS), select an appropriate icon. For FINS use cases, select standard:customer_360.
    • URL for API call - Set the endpoint of Mule Experience API to retrieve Global Ids,{id}/externalIds.
    • Field for API Lookup - Set {id} URI parameter to Account.Global_Customer_Id__c. The pattern is FSC object name and the custom Global Identifier Id field: ObjectName.FieldName.
    • Image Id for center icon - Set image id to account.
    • Label for center icon - Set the label to Customer to be displayed in the id graph for center icon.
    • Show labels for icons - Default is disabled. Enabling this will display labels under each icon, i.e., the centre icon and the icons for each system.

  3. Save and publish your changes.

Salesforce Configuration for Financial Accounts

Follow the previous steps to add the Id Graph in Financial Accounts object. Update the below fields with the following values:
Title to display - Set the header title as Financial Account ID Graph. URL for API call - Set the endpoint of Mule Experience API to retrieve Global Ids,{id}/externalIds.
Field for API Lookup - Set {id} URI parameter to FinServ__FinancialAccount__c.Global_Account_Id__c. The pattern is FSC object name and the custom Global Identifier Id field: ObjectName.FieldName. Label for center icon - Set the label to Financial Account. The label displays in the Id graph for center icon.

Salesforce Configuration for Financial Account Transaction

Follow the previous steps to add the Id Graph in Financial Account Transactions object. Update the below fields with the following values:
Title to display - Set the header title as Financial Transaction Graph. URL for API call - Set the endpoint of Mule Experience API to retrieve Global Ids,{id}/externalIds.
Field for API Lookup - Set {id} URI parameter to FinServ__FinancialAccountTransaction__c.Global_Transaction_Id__c. The pattern is FSC object name and the custom Global Identifier Id field: 'ObjectName.FieldName'. Label for center icon - Set the label to Transaction. The label displays in the Id graph for center icon.

Salesforce Configuration for Cards

Follow the previous steps to add the Id Graph in Cards object. Update the below fields with the following values:

  • Title to display - Set the header title as Cards ID Graph.
  • URL for API call - Set the endpoint of Mule Experience API to retrieve Global Ids,{id}/externalIds.
  • Field for API Lookup - Set {id} URI parameter to FinServ__Card__c.Global_Card_Id__c. The pattern is FSC object name and the custom Global Identifier Id field: ObjectName.FieldName.
  • Label for center icon - Set the label to Card. The label displays in the Id graph for center icon.

The below configuration steps are specific for Salesforce Core Clouds

Salesforce Configuration for Accounts

  1. Navigate to a record page within Accounts object and click the gear icon at the top right to select Edit Page. On the edit page menu, on the left side menu scroll to the bottom to find the custom component networkVisualizer. Drag the components onto the page as shown in the image below.


  2. Click on the component to configure parameters. Set the following attributes with parameters:
    • Title to display - Set the header title as Customer360.
    • Icon for display - From Salesforce Lightning Design System (LDS), select an appropriate icon. For FINS use cases, select standard:customer_360.
    • URL for API call - Set the endpoint of Mule Experience API to retrieve Global Ids,{id}/externalIds.
    • Field for API Lookup - Set {id} URI parameter to Account.Global_Customer_Id__c. The pattern is FSC object name and the custom Global Identifier Id field: ObjectName.FieldName.
    • Image Id for center icon - Set image id to account.
    • Label for center icon - Set the label to Customer to be displayed in the id graph for center icon.
    • Show labels for icons - Default is disabled. Enabling this will display labels under each icon, that is, the centre icon and the icons for each system.

  3. Save and publish your changes.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onMay 17, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.2.x

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