Cerner Financial System API - Implementation Template

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The following describes how to configure a System Account in Cerner.

Setting up a System Account

  1. Register an account at Cerner Central.
  2. Request a 'System Account' by navigating from the landing page to 'Requests' and clicking the Request System Account button.
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Account Description – A brief description.
    • Production System – Select "No" unless you are creating an account for production.
    • Cerner Client – Select "No".
    • Millennium Sytem – Select "No".hc-cerner-auth-setup-guide_01.png

Creating an App in Cerner

  1. Visit the authorization page to set up the authorization scope for the app.

  2. Click the + New App button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Fill in the required prompts on the page. Select App type as β€˜System’.hc-cerner-auth-setup-guide_03.png

  4. In the 'Scopes' section, select all the scopes that are applicable including coverage resource and click the Register button.



  1. Send a POST request using the following:
  2. To make requests to Cerner FHIR R4, use the generated access_token from the previous step as Bearer Token.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 26, 2025
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