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Tangoe Mobile REST API

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Inventory can happen in several ways. This encompasses devices that represent the hardware and lines which represent the service. At this point, Tangoe becomes the record of truth for mobile devices and services that are cataloged with the business, and in return, you want a reflection of this back in your system, which can happen in a couple of different ways.

Option 1 - Generate Reports

Customize and generate reports in Tangoe mobile that can then be emailed or sent to an SFTP location. Reports can all so be scheduled and dropped into an SFTP location that can then be fetched by the client's system on a frequency they choose. The files are .csv only.

Option 2 - Pull Inventory

Use the mobile API's to get device and line of service inventory. Pulling inventory can happen nightly or at a frequency of your choosing.


By default, collections are paginated with pages having 100 items. If you wish to return a different number of items add the per_page parameter. Per page must be less than 1,000. By default, the first page is returned. To return another page, add the page parameter set to the integer value of the page of results you wish to be returned.

Example: https://{subdomain}.thefutureis.mobi/1/lines/business_lines?per_page=999

Option 2 - Pull Inventory

See below for more details about the two endpoints to pull inventory.

  • devices/business_devices
  • lines/business_lines


devices/business_devices - https://{subdomain}.thefutureis.mobi/1/devices/business_devices

This API call will give inventory for all devices including non-cellular. Tangoe doesn't indicate whether a device is active or not. This should be confirmed if the device has a line associated with it. There is a status attribute for devices, but this is only updated if Tangoe is doing logistics for the client.

updated_at_gtDate by which to filter devices updated after (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
updated_at_ltDate by which to filter devices updated before (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
updated_at_gteDate by which to filter devices updated after or on (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
updated_at_lteDate by which to filter devices updated before or on (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
managed_eqFilter devices by the managed flagtrue or falseBOOLEAN
per_pageLimit the number of elements on the response.Default: 100 MAX: 999INT
pageThe page number of the paginated collection.page #INT

Example GET response for devices/business_devices

Attributes that are captured in the response:

  1. the first attributes are details about the device
  2. ref_device - (details about the device model)
  3. line - (details about the line associated with the device)
  4. person - (details about the person associated with this device)
  "response": [
      "id": 5137906,
      "ref_device_id": 1046804526,
      "business_id": 179,
      "esn": "",
      "meid": "",
      "imei": "861956623730200",
      "msn": "",
      "status": "normal",
      "created_at": "2021-09-28T09:57:07.390-04:00",
      "updated_at": "2021-09-28T09:57:07.390-04:00",
      "managed": false,
      "person_id": 16573720,
      "generic_serial": "",
      "liability": "corporate",
      "warehouse_status": "not_tracked",
      "external_id": null,
      "custom_fields": [],
      "full_device_profile": {
        "device_url": "https://sandbox2.7.stage.thefutureis.mobi/devices/5137906"
      "line_id": 4343936,
      "ref_device": {
        "id": 1046804526,
        "name": "Samsung Galaxy S9+ 64GB - Coral Blue",
        "description": "",
        "image_file_name": "samsung_galaxy_s9_blue.png",
        "sku": "sku11891100003",
        "color": "Coral Blue",
        "platform": "Android",
        "product_category": "Smart Phone",
        "manufacturer": "Samsung",
        "consumer_sku": "",
        "size": "64GB",
        "manufacturer_sku": "",
        "carrier_name": "AT United States",
        "supplier_sku": "sku11891100003"
      "line": {
        "id": 4343936,
        "active": true,
        "business_id": 179,
        "contract_ends": null,
        "carrier_account_id": 1772,
        "person_id": 16573720,
        "suspended_at": null,
        "label": "Audrey  Test",
        "created_at": "2020-12-10T15:08:33.434-05:00",
        "updated_at": "2021-09-28T10:03:27.501-04:00",
        "plan_id": 1042455816,
        "cost_center": "",
        "carrier_id": 834256072,
        "ref_device_id": 1046804526,
        "sim": "123456789012345678901",
        "contract_start_date": "2021-03-01",
        "liability": "corporate",
        "no_change": false,
        "country_id": 52123291,
        "custom_fields": [],
        "description": "463-888-0351 - Samsung Galaxy S9+ 64GB - Coral Blue",
        "e164_number": "+14638880351",
        "international_number": "+1 463-888-0351",
        "number": "4638880351"
      "person": {
        "id": 16573720,
        "name_last": "Test ",
        "name_first": "Audrey ",
        "name_middle": null,
        "group_id": 1375,
        "email": "audrey.testing@tangoe.com",
        "login": "audrey.testing@tangoe.com",
        "employee_id": "audrey.testing@tangoe.com",
        "created_at": "2020-12-10T13:25:26.465-05:00",
        "updated_at": "2021-09-07T14:10:04.724-04:00",
        "cost_center": "",
        "active": true,
        "customer_data": {},
        "group_name": "Sandbox Employees"


lines/business_lines - https://{subdomain}.thefutureis.mobi/1/lines/business_lines

Gives all inventory for lines of service and includes device data associated with each line.

active_eqDisplay only active lines for the business.true or falseBOOLEAN
updated_at_gtDate by which to filter devices updated after (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
updated_at_ltDate by which to filter devices updated before (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
updated_at_gteDate by which to filter devices updated after or on (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
updated_at_lteDate by which to filter devices updated before (e.g. '2014-06-07')dateSTR
per_pageLimit the number of elements on the response.Default: 100 MAX: 999INT
pageThe page number of the paginated collection.page #INT

Example GET response for lines/business_lines

What attributes are captured in the response:

  1. the first attributes are details about the line
  2. activities - (details about activities the user has submitted - the example below is activity_type_id which is line suspend)
  3. carrier - (details about the carrier associated with this line)
  4. country - (details about the country associated with this line)
  5. device - (details about the device associated with this line)
  6. person - (details about the person associated with this line)
  7. ref_device - (details about the device model associated with this line)
  "response": [
      "id": 807801,
      "active": true,
      "business_id": 179,
      "contract_ends": "2014-09-24",
      "carrier_account_id": 1540,
      "person_id": 1831571,
      "suspended_at": null,
      "label": "Bremerton Washington",
      "created_at": "2014-09-16T15:10:10.772-04:00",
      "updated_at": "2020-09-11T18:46:49.295-04:00",
      "plan_id": 1042459753,
      "cost_center": "Texas-001",
      "carrier_id": 834256072,
      "ref_device_id": 1046772204,
      "sim": null,
      "contract_start_date": "2012-09-24",
      "liability": "corporate",
      "no_change": true,
      "country_id": 52123291,
      "custom_fields": [],
      "description": "100-555-0024 - Apple iPhone 7 32GB - Black",
      "e164_number": "+11005550024",
      "international_number": "+1 100-555-0024",
      "number": "1005550024",
      "activities": [],
      "carrier": {
        "id": 834256072,
        "name": "AT United States",
        "image_url": "https://portal.7.stage.thefutureis.mobi/system/carriers/logos/000/834/256/072/tiny/att_original.png?1482204293"
      "country": {
        "id": 52123291,
        "iso3166_country": "UNITED STATES",
        "iso3166_a2": "US",
        "active": true,
        "iso3166_a3": "USA"
      "device": {
        "id": 349893,
        "ref_device_id": 1046772204,
        "business_id": 179,
        "esn": "",
        "meid": "",
        "imei": "",
        "msn": "",
        "status": "normal",
        "created_at": "2014-09-16T14:59:23.929-04:00",
        "updated_at": "2020-09-11T18:46:49.341-04:00",
        "managed": false,
        "person_id": 1831571,
        "generic_serial": "sandbox24",
        "liability": "corporate",
        "warehouse_status": "not_tracked",
        "external_id": null,
        "custom_fields": [],
        "full_device_profile": {
          "device_url": "https://sandbox2.7.stage.thefutureis.mobi/devices/349893"
        "line_id": 807801
      "person": {
        "id": 1831571,
        "name_last": "Quackers",
        "name_first": "Pinkerton",
        "name_middle": null,
        "group_id": 1605,
        "email": "administrator@sandbox.com",
        "login": "administrator@sandbox.com",
        "employee_id": "10000",
        "created_at": "2014-09-15T16:51:35.404-04:00",
        "updated_at": "2021-10-05T10:53:04.307-04:00",
        "cost_center": "CEO-001",
        "active": true,
        "customer_data": {},
        "group_name": "Demo Group A"
      "plan": {
        "id": 1042459753,
        "name": "Mobile Select Pooled 3GB for 4G LTE iPhone w/VVM and Tethering",
        "cost": {
          "fractional": "7000.0",
          "currency": {
            "id": "usd",
            "alternate_symbols": [
quot; ], "decimal_mark": ".", "disambiguate_symbol": "US
quot;, "html_entity": "
quot;, "iso_code": "USD", "iso_numeric": "840", "name": "United States Dollar", "priority": 1, "smallest_denomination": 1, "subunit": "Cent", "subunit_to_unit": 100, "symbol": "
quot;, "symbol_first": true, "thousands_separator": "," } }, "minutes_anytime": "Unlimited", "minutes_evening": "Unlimited", "voice": false, "data": false, "carrier_code": "sku11678300041", "voice_monthly_percentage": "0.0", "data_monthly_percentage": "0.0", "text_monthly_percentage": "0.0", "product_category": "Smartphone", "feature_names": { "feature_name": "AT Business Key Voice Roaming $0.25/$2" }, "embedded_features": [], "supplier_sku": "sku11678300041" }, "ref_device": { "id": 1046772204, "name": "Apple iPhone 7 32GB - Black", "description": "iPhone 7 dramatically improves the most important aspects of the iPhone experience. It introduces advanced new camera systems. The best performance and battery life ever in an iPhone. Immersive stereo speakers. The brightest, most colorful iPhone display. Splash and water resistance. And it looks every bit as powerful as it is. This is iPhone 7.", "image_file_name": "iPhone7_Black.png", "sku": "sku11763000040", "color": "Black", "platform": "iPhone", "product_category": "Smart Phone", "manufacturer": "Apple", "consumer_sku": "6472A", "size": "32GB", "manufacturer_sku": "", "carrier_name": "AT United States", "supplier_sku": "sku11763000040" } } ] }
