API Platform API

(4 reviews)

Extended search API

This Notebook explains how to use the API Platform API V2 to search through the APIs within your organization


The following RAML fragment describes the search method parameters

  description: |
    A collection of API portals within organization. When performing a search by passing in 'query=foo' as a string, it is equivalent to passing in the following combination: 'query[name]=foo&query[version]=foo&query[description]=foo&query[tags]=foo&query[matchAll]=false'

        type:     boolean
        required: false
        default:  true

        type:        string
        required:    false
        description: |
          A list of keywords for matching API name in a search. Used in conjunction with other 'query[xxx]' to perform advanced search. Note: when any of 'query[xxx]' is used, the query parameter 'query' would be disregarded.

        type:        string
        required:    false
        description: |
          A list of keywords for matching API version name in a search. Used in conjunction with other 'query[xxx]' to perform advanced search. Note: when any of 'query[xxx]' is used, the query parameter 'query' would be disregarded.

        type:        string
        required:    false
        description: |
          A list of keywords for matching API version tags in a search. Used in conjunction with other 'query[xxx]' to perform advanced search. Note: when any of 'query[xxx]' is used, the query parameter 'query' would be disregarded.

        type:        string
        required:    false
        description: |
          A list of keywords for matching API version description in a search. Used in conjunction with other 'query[xxx]' to perform advanced search. Note: when any of 'query[xxx]' is used, the query parameter 'query' would be disregarded.

        type:        boolean
        required:    false
        default:     false
        description: |
          A boolean value that determines how other 'query[xxx]' values should work together in an advanced search. When 'matchAll' is true, all other 'query[xxx]' would be chained with an 'AND' when performing a search, otherwise they are chained with an 'OR'. Note: when any of 'query[xxx]' is used, the query parameter 'query' would be disregarded.

        type:        string
        required:    false
        description: |
          The organization ID that the search should be run in. If not provided, search would be performed within the organization which the login user is under.

##Using the API

First we need to setup the API client

Now we obtain the active organizationId

And now we setup the public search API endpoint which is located at:

GET /organizations/{organizationId}/public/portals


Querying by tags = 'public api'

Querying by tags = 'public api' and name = 'CloudHub'

query[matchAll]=true means AND

Querying by tags = 'public' or description = 'public'

query[matchAll]=false means OR
