Exchange Graph icon

Exchange Graph

(4 reviews)

Querying the graph

The Exchange Graph API provides one root element called assets. This means that every query made to the graph returns only Exchange assets. There are two different argument types that can be used in a query: query and asset. You can also use the latestVersionsOnly flag in combination with both arguments.

  • latestVersionsOnly (Boolean): Tells the graph to return only the latest version of each matched version.

Searching for assets with query

You can build a search query by specifying different fields within the query argument. The available query fields are:

  • organizationIds (String): A list of organization IDs to filter by. This lets you ask for assets belonging to specific business groups.
  • public (Boolean): Fetch only assets that are publicly shared.
  • tags ([TagSearchField]): A list of tags to filter by. Tags are objects with two fields, key and value. Only the value is a mandatory field. Some examples of keys are min-mule-version, has-mule3-connector and product-api-version.
  • runtimeVersion (String): A shorthand to filter by min-mule-version tag.
  • searchTerm (String): This field is used for free text searches.
  • type (String): A type to filter by. Some types are: template, example, rest-api and soap-api.
  • types ([String]): A list of types to filter by. Some types are: template, example, rest-api and soap-api.
  • offset (Int): Pagination control. The number of assets to skip when returning the result. Defaults to 0.
  • limit (Int): Pagination control. The number of assets to return in one page. Defaults to 20.
Examples of requests doing searches using the graph:
  • Return the third 10 item page of Mule 4.0.0 extensions for MuleSoft organization.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(query: {organizationIds: [\"68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913\"], runtimeVersion: \"4.0.0\", type: \"extension\", offset: 20, limit: 10}) {groupId assetId version}}"}'
  • Return the first 5 item page of REST APIs with Product API version named v1.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(query: {type: \"rest-api\", tags: [{key: \"product-api-version\", value: \"v1\"}], offset: 0, limit: 5}) {groupId assetId version}}"}'
  • Return the first 5 item page of REST APIs with Product API version named v1, returning only the latest versions.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(query: {type: \"rest-api\", tags: [{key: \"product-api-version\", value: \"v1\"}], offset: 0, limit: 5}, latestVersionsOnly: true) {groupId assetId version}}"}'

Getting particular assets using asset

If you know the groupId, assetId, and/or version (GAV) of an asset, you can access it using the asset argument. The available fields are:

  • organizationId (String): The organization ID where to look for the asset.
  • groupId (String): The group ID of the asset to retrieve.
  • assetId (String): The asset ID of the asset to retrieve.
  • version (String): The version of the asset to retrieve.
  • public (Boolean): Fetch only assets that were publicly shared.
Examples of requests retrieving an asset using the graph:
  • Returns the asset with the specified GAV.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(asset:{groupId: \"org.mule.connectors\",assetId: \"mule-db-connector\",version: \"1.2.1\"}){groupId assetId version}}"}'
  • Returns all the asset versions with the specified version.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(asset:{groupId: \"org.mule.connectors\",assetId: \"mule-db-connector\"}){groupId assetId version}}"}'
  • Returns the latest asset version with the specified version.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(asset:{groupId: \"org.mule.connectors\",assetId: \"mule-db-connector\"}, latestVersionsOnly: true){groupId assetId version}}"}'
